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E-University V. Dahl EUNU
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Common student`s resources
Checking qualification papers for plagiarism
Faculty of Information Technologies and Electronic...
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Main subdivisions / Department of information technologies and electronics (DITE)
Main subdivisions / Department of information technologies and electronics (DITE) / Information Technologies and Programming chair(ITP)
Main subdivisions / Department of information technologies and electronics (DITE) / Information Technologies and Programming chair(ITP) / Organization activities
Main subdivisions / Department of information technologies and electronics (DITE) / Information Technologies and Programming chair(ITP) / Education process
Main subdivisions / Department of information technologies and electronics (DITE) / Information Technologies and Programming chair(ITP) / Education process / Mandatory components
Main subdivisions / Department of information technologies and electronics (DITE) / Information Technologies and Programming chair(ITP) / Education process / Mandatory components / Autumn semester
Main subdivisions / Department of information technologies and electronics (DITE) / Information Technologies and Programming chair(ITP) / Education process / Mandatory components / Spring semester
Main subdivisions / Department of information technologies and electronics (DITE) / Information Technologies and Programming chair(ITP) / Education process / Selective education components
Main subdivisions / Department of information technologies and electronics (DITE) / Information Technologies and Programming chair(ITP) / Education process / Selective education components / Autumn semester
Main subdivisions / Department of information technologies and electronics (DITE) / Information Technologies and Programming chair(ITP) / Education process / Selective education components / Spring semester
Main subdivisions / Department of information technologies and electronics (DITE) / Information Technologies and Programming chair(ITP) / Education process / Selective education components / Third semester of the master's degree
Main subdivisions / Факультет гуманітарних і соціальних наук (ФГСН)
Common student`s resources
Common student`s resources / Checking qualification papers for plagiarism
Common student`s resources / Checking qualification papers for plagiarism / Факультет інженерії ФІ
Common student`s resources / Checking qualification papers for plagiarism / Faculty of Information Technologies and Electronics FITE
Common student`s resources / Checking qualification papers for plagiarism / Аграрний факультет АФ
Common student`s resources / Checking qualification papers for plagiarism / Факультет гуманітарних та соціальних наук ФГСН
Common student`s resources / Checking qualification papers for plagiarism / Факультет економіки і управління ФЕУ
Common student`s resources / Checking qualification papers for plagiarism / Факультет здоров’я людини
Common student`s resources / Checking qualification papers for plagiarism / Факультет транспорту і будівництва ФТБ
Common student`s resources / Checking qualification papers for plagiarism / Юридичний факультет ЮФ
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Checking the qualifying work for plagiarism (ITP department)
Віталій Геннадійович Іванов
Денис Валентинович Ратов
Перевірка кваліфікаційної роботи на плагіат (кафедра КІСУ)
Перевірка кваліфікаційної роботи на плагіат (кафедра КНІ)
Володимир Сергійович Кардашук